PCA Parade Birmingham Phase 2 Registration
Frequently Asked Questions
Our dedicated Parade Teams are working hard to assemble and finalize the hundreds of details for June 2024.
Continue to check the Parade Website periodically for updates as more information becomes available in the coming weeks, as well as PCA’s “e-Brake News,” which is delivered to your inbox every Tuesday.
Precisely what is the “Porsche Parade”?
Porsche Parade is a yearly week-long event comprised of four competitive events (Concours, TSD Rally, Autocross, and Technical Quiz—trophies are awarded for all) along with a variety of activities ranging from Banquets, Tours (driving, bus, cruise, and self-guided), Tech Tactics, Golf Tournament, 5K Run/Walk, Art Show, Wine, and Beer Tastings, PCA Juniors @ Parade activities as well as some new venues in the mix. While many members choose to participate for the entire week, you can be involved as much as your travel plans allow.
What does the Parade “Entrant” fee cover?
The registration entry fee covers the “entrant” and “co-entrant” (there are additional fees for children, JPP, CAFP, and Adult Guests). This fee covers the use of the Parade venue common areas and rental fees, signage, audiovisual equipment, entrant and car badging, Parade Bag and contents (collectible pin/patch), printed materials, parking lot/trailer/Concours security, car wash area with premium supplies, unlimited ice/water throughout the week. It also covers the cost of Hospitality/Vendor displays/Door Prizes during the week (beverages, breakfast pastries, light snacks during the day), Ice Cream Social, Seminars, Art Show access, Parade Zone Party access, Volunteer lunch/shirts and recognition items, Radio Controlled Car Events (with cars supplied) and Welcome Tent. Additional fees apply for banquets and selected events.
How does a PCA member reserve lodging?
Once an entrant completes the online registration process, including payment, they receive an email in their inbox indicating the process is complete (the system processes in order of credit card confirmation). It contains the unique Parade Entrant Number, hotel entrant code, and a link to reserve lodging for Parade Week at the reserved PCA block rate.
Is Late Check-In Available?
During the week, “Late Check-In” is available Monday through Friday (hours diminish as the week progresses; check the Parade Schedule for availability). Early in the week, this process can be time-consuming (especially on Monday)—so please plan accordingly.